Stories/Essays: Memphis Music - Hear & Now: mbmusic06-01

DIVERSIFYING THE SOUND:Jonathan Kirkscey, 34, has spent the last 11 years performing in the Memphis Symphony Orchestra but his versatility keeps him busy on all musical fronts. He is a member of the band Mouserocket, recently completed a film score for John Michael McCarthy and often performs with Harlan T. Bobo, Rob Junklas and Snowglobe, all this in addition to teaching cello at the Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.


Jonathan Kirkscey, 34, has spent the last 11 years performing in the Memphis Symphony Orchestra but his versatility keeps him busy on all musical fronts. He is a member of the band Mouserocket, recently completed a film score for John Michael McCarthy and often performs with Harlan T. Bobo, Rob Junklas and Snowglobe, all this in addition to teaching cello at the Arkansas State University in Jonesboro.